Tuesday 13/10/15 Todays workout of the day is: STRENGTH 3-3-3 Bench/Floor Press ASSISTANCE 15-15-15 Press Up METCON 400m Run 10mins ‘Cindy’ 400m Run Post scores to comments _________________________________ October 12, 20151 CommentDaily WODBy Crossfit Resplendent
Teens 12/10/19 Todays workout of the day is: Strength Overhead squat Accessory Lunges Skill Thruster Conditioning 100 double-unders 15 thrusters, 15 pull-ups Rest 2:00 12 thrusters, 12 pull-ups Rest 1:00 9 thrusters, 9 pull-ups 100 double-unders October 12, 2015UncategorizedBy Crossfit Resplendent