Tuesday 8/12/15

Today’s workout of the day is:


Work up to a 1Rm


Run 400m
rest 30sec
Run 800m
rest 30sec
Run 800m
rest 30sec
Run 400m
rest 30 sec
50 wallball

Score is total time including rest.













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Monday 7/12/15

Today’s workout of the day is:

40 Overhead squats (40/30kg)
30 Plank hold crunches
20 Sumo deadlift high pull
10 bar muscle ups
20 Overhead squats
30 Plank hold crunches
40 Sumo deadlift high pulls











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Friday 4/12/15

Today’s workout of the day is:

5 rounds

100 double unders
10 Hang power snatch (50/35kg)
10 cleans
10 Shoulder to overhead













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Tuesday 1/12/15

Today’s workout of the day is:

100m run
10 pull ups
200m run
20 Deadlift 70/50kg
100m run
10 Shoulder to overhead 70/50kg
200m run
20 sit ups
100m run
10 burpees
200m run
20 box jumps 24/20











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Monday 30/11/15

Today’s workout of the day is the Bossman’s birthday wod:

8 min Tabata:
DUs and Squats
Rest 2 min
8 min Tabata:
Deadlift and HPC (30/45)
Rest 2 min
8 min Tabata:
Swimmers and Plank Holds













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