Wednesday 01 Febuary 2017
A) Olympic Weightlifting Programme
B) 9 minute Ascending Ladder:
3 Wall Ball
3 Sit Up
6 Wall Ball
6 Sit Up
9 Wall Ball
9 Sit Up
Reps increase by 3 until the time is up !!!
A) Olympic Weightlifting Programme
B) 9 minute Ascending Ladder:
3 Wall Ball
3 Sit Up
6 Wall Ball
6 Sit Up
9 Wall Ball
9 Sit Up
Reps increase by 3 until the time is up !!!
A) Olympic Weightlifting Programme
B) 3 RFT: 800m Run 50 Air Squats
A) Olympic Weighlifting Programme
B) 15 min AMRAP: 10 DB Push Press 20 DB Box Stepovers 30 Double Unders
A) Gymnastics
B) 10 minutes to establish a heavy Clean and Jerk
C) 15 minute EMOM 1 Clean + 2 Jerk (70-75%)
A) Gymnastics
B) 14 min AMRAP
10 Alternating KB Snatch 15 Burpee 30 Double Unders
A) Gymnastics
B) For Time: Cash In 400m Run Then 50 Press Ups 100 Sit Ups 150 Squats Buy Out 400m Row