Tuesday 8/03/16

Today’s workout of the day is:

Walking lunges with bar in front rack position

Not for time:
100 sit ups
100 back ext
50 strict pull ups










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Monday 7/03/16

Today’s workout of the day is;

5 rounds for time:
3 rope climbs
10 handstand press ups
21 overhead walking lunges 20/15kg plate
400m run












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Saturday 5/03/16

Today’s Team workout of the day is: In teams of 2- 26 Minute AMRAP Partner A runs one 400M Sprint Partner B does AMRAP Hang Power Snatch (50/30kg) until A gets back. Switch and repeat. (score is reps of hang power snatch) (Each person only runs once and snatches once) Partner A runs 400 M Partner B…

Friday 4/03/16

Today’s workout of the day will be: The CrossFit open wod 16.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 minutes of: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 15 squat cleans* Begin with a 4 minute time cap. If 1 round is completed in under 4 minutes extend time to…