Thursday 02 January 2017
A) Olympic Weighlifting Programme
B) For Time: 100 Double Unders 10 SDLHP 10 HSPU 100m Run 10 Goblet Squat 10 C2B Pull Up 10 Cal Row 10 KB Snatch 10 Pistol Squat 100 Double Unders
A) Olympic Weighlifting Programme
B) For Time: 100 Double Unders 10 SDLHP 10 HSPU 100m Run 10 Goblet Squat 10 C2B Pull Up 10 Cal Row 10 KB Snatch 10 Pistol Squat 100 Double Unders
A) Olympic Weightlifting Programme
B) 9 minute Ascending Ladder:
3 Wall Ball
3 Sit Up
6 Wall Ball
6 Sit Up
9 Wall Ball
9 Sit Up
Reps increase by 3 until the time is up !!!
A) Olympic Weightlifting Programme
B) 3 RFT: 800m Run 50 Air Squats
A) Olympic Weighlifting Programme
B) 15 min AMRAP: 10 DB Push Press 20 DB Box Stepovers 30 Double Unders
A) Gymnastics
B) 10 minutes to establish a heavy Clean and Jerk
C) 15 minute EMOM 1 Clean + 2 Jerk (70-75%)
A) Gymnastics
B) 14 min AMRAP
10 Alternating KB Snatch 15 Burpee 30 Double Unders
A) Gymnastics
B) For Time: Cash In 400m Run Then 50 Press Ups 100 Sit Ups 150 Squats Buy Out 400m Row